Commie Pinko Altruist Opportunist
I fished out an old gas receipt from my wallet yesterday; Gas was $1.71 a gallon. I saved it for posterity; in a few years I can look at it with nostalgia.
One of life's small pleasures these days consists of filling your tank before there's a sharp spike in the price. I saw a $2.84 today and felt happy that I filled it at Citgo for $2.55 yesterday. Today, I find out via Fark that Citgo is owned by the Venezuelan government.
Hugo Chavez has offered aid to the US in a shrewd political move. The reaction of the Americans probably would be: "Barrels? We don't need your stinkin' barrels!". Also came upon this from the thread. The source is obviously a bleeding-heart liberal website, but I would buy gas from the devil himself if it was cheaper to buy from him/her.
Freedom of choice is great.
One of life's small pleasures these days consists of filling your tank before there's a sharp spike in the price. I saw a $2.84 today and felt happy that I filled it at Citgo for $2.55 yesterday. Today, I find out via Fark that Citgo is owned by the Venezuelan government.
Hugo Chavez has offered aid to the US in a shrewd political move. The reaction of the Americans probably would be: "Barrels? We don't need your stinkin' barrels!". Also came upon this from the thread. The source is obviously a bleeding-heart liberal website, but I would buy gas from the devil himself if it was cheaper to buy from him/her.
Freedom of choice is great.
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