Meeting People is Easy
Last week was an experiment in social skills. Based on gentle prodding from some friends and downright sympathetic looks from acquaintances, I decided to try this 'going out and having fun' thing.
I travelled to Manhattan, KS on business and did everything but business. Fine upscale dining? Check. Karaoke in an empty bar? Check. Shaking my proverbial tail-feathers and managing to look like a Hare Krishna having an epileptic attack? Check. Driving back to the motel incredibly slowly, because, 'alcohol, like, slows your reflexes, man...'? Check.
Later that week my room-mate and I went to the Royals game in Kansas City. There I was introduced to the fine art of tailgating by an ex-fratperson. One hour and several lite beers later, I found myself talking 3 times more than I usually do.
Conclusions: I probably met more new people in a week than I do in a year. Making conversation is not difficult, especially if there's a bit of the social lubricant involved. Hmm, if only I could repeat my performance without the benefit of bitter hops...
Yeah, but if you're planning on a long stretch of imbibing, it helps to keep you conscious throughout... :)
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